1. Definitie: Perfectul prezent stabileste o legatura intre o actiune trecuta si prezent. [o actiune neterminata].
Afirmativ: Pronume + HAVE/HAS + VB [III]
Exemplu: She has just done her homework.
Negativ: Pronume + HAVE/HAS + NOT + VB [III]
Exemplu: I haven't written the letter yet.
Interogativ: HAVE / HAS + Pronume + VB [III]
Exemplu: Has she gone to market yet?
ADVERBE: just, yet, already, never, seldom, rarely, sometimes, for/since
1. Present Perfect este folosit, la fel ca si Past Tense, pentru a desemna un eveniment anterior momentului vorbirii. Deosebirea intre cele doua timpuri este in axa pe care se plaseaza vorbitorul: axa prezentului [Present Perfect] sau axa trecutului [Past Tense]:
Exemple: a. I have seen Mary.
b. I saw her at the conference.
2. Folosirea lui Present Perfect este asociata cu adverbe care exprima o perioada de timp deschisa, neterminata: today, this week, this month.
Exemplu: I have been to the theatre this week.
- in timp ce folosirea lui Past Tense este asociata cu adverbe care exprima o perioada de timp inchisa, terminata:
Exemplu: I went to the theatre last week.
3. Present Perfect este uneori folosit cu valoare de Past Tense, pentru a exprima o actiune savarsita in trecut si terminata recent sau chiar inaintea momentului vorbirii:
Exemplu: He has come.
Aceasta intrebuintare a lui Present Perfect este adeseori marcata de adverbe de timp ca: just, already, up to now, so far, lately, recently.
Exemplu: He has just phoned.
ATENTIE! Cu adverbe ca: today, this morning, this month, this year - se poate folosi fie Past Tense, fie Present Perfect in functie de:
a. caracterul actiunii [definit / nedefinit]
b. al perioadei de timp [incheiata / neincheiata]
Exemple: a. Did you hear Ion Voicu play recently?
Have you heard Ion Voicu play recently? [not a long time ago]
b. Did you see him this morning? [now it is 5 o'clock p.m.
Have you seen him this morning? [now it is 11 a.m.]
4. Past Tense este folosit pentru evenimente care au avut loc in trecut si ai caror autori nu mai exista in prezent, pe cand la Present Perfect, evenimentele au avut loc in trecut, dar autorii sau efectele evenimentelor mai exista si in prezent:
Exemple: Marin Preda wrote several novels and short stories. [he is dead]
Eugen Barbu has written several novels and short stories. [he is alive]
Did you see the exhibition? [it is closed now]
Have you seen the exhibition? [it is still open]
5. Present Perfect este folosit si pentru a exprima o actiune inceputa in trecut si care continua si in momentul vorbirii. Complinirile adverbiale de timp caracteristice pentru aceasta intrebuintare sunt cele indicand:
a. lungimea perioadei de timp: for a long time, for ten minutes, for 2 days:
Exemplu: He has been here for half an hour.
b. inceputul perioadei de timp: since yesterday, since december, since you came:
Exemplu: He has studied English since the begining of the school year.
Perioada de timp redata printr-o propozitie temporala introdusa de SINCE poate fi exprimata:
a. printr-un verb la Past Tense, cand se specifica momentul initial al perioadei:
Exemplu: I have lived in Bucharest since I was born.
b. printr-un verb la Presnt perfect, cand cele doua actiuni sunt paralele:
Exemplu: It has not stopped raining since I have been in this town.
ATENTIE! Determinarea for...since.... este obligatorie pentru aceasta intrebuintare a perfectului prezent. Folosirea lui Present Perfect Simple fara determinare temporala cu for / since...se refera la o actiune incheiata si nu la una care continua la momentul vorbirii:
Exemplu: He has lived in Bucharest. [he is not living there now]
He has studied English [he is not studying it now]
NOTA: Diferenta intre cele doua intrebuintari reiese si din modul in care se traduc in limba romana:
- actiunea care continua si in momentul vorbirii - prin prezent.
- actiunea incheiata, petrecuta in trecut intr-un moment de timp nedefinit, deci nespecificat - prin perfectul compus.
Exemple: He has stayed in this hotel [ A stat in acest hotel]
He has stayed in this hotel for a week. [Sta in acest hotel de o saptamana]
6. Present Perfect poate exprima o actiune caracteristica, repetata in trecut, prezent si poate si in viitor:
Exemplu: He has performed in public.
Aceasta intrebuintare este marcata de adverbe de frecventa ca: often, always, never, sometimes:
Exemplu: He has often performed in public.
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