1. Definitie: - este partea de vorbire care modifica sau determina un substantiv:
Exemple: a good/interesting book
this/my book
Spre deosebire de limba romana, adjectivul nu se schimba dupa gen, nici dupa numar:
Exemple: an intelligent student - intelligent students.
2. Intrebari: Adjectivul raspunde la una din intrebarile: which? [care?]; what is/are like? [cum?]; what kind of? [ce fel de?]; in what state? [in ce stare?].
3. Gradele de comparatie:
Gradele de comparatie ale adjectivului din limba engleza sunt: gradul pozitiv, comparativ si superlativ.
Exemple: - gradul pozitiv: - new [nou]
- gradul comparativ: - newer [mai nou]
- gradul superlativ - the newest [cel mai nou]
Desinentele “er” si “est” se aplica urmatoarelor adjective:
adjective monosilabice:
Exemple: low - lower - lowest
high - higher - the highest
adjective bisilabice terminate in: “-er”; “-le”; “-ow”; “-y”;
Exemple: clever - cleverer - cleverest;
simple - smpler - simplest
Particularitati de ortografie:
y devine -i-:
Exemplu: easy - easier - easiest
disparitia “e”-ului final mut:
Exemplu: large - larger - largest
dublarea consoanelor finale dupa vocala finala accentuata [a,e,i,o,u]:
Exemplu: thin - thinner - thinnest.
Urmatoarele adjective isi formeaza gradele de comparatie cu “more” si “most”:
adjectivele bisilabice, care nu se termina in “er”, “-le”; “-ow”; “-y”:
Exemplu: useful - more useful - the most useful
Adjective cu trei sau mai multe silabe:
Exemplu: interesting - more interesting - most interesting
Unele adjective isi formeaza gradele de comparatie in mod neregulat:
good - better - best
well - better - best
bad - worse - worst
ill - worse - worst
little - smaller - smallest
little - less - least
much - more - most
many - more - most
Adjective cu forme diferite ale gradelor de comparatie:
Unele adjective au 2 forme de comparativ sau superlativ cu moduri diferite de folosire:
late - later - latest [temporal]
late - latter - latter [insiruire]
far - further / farther - furthest / farthest [distanta in spatiu]
far - further - furthest / farthest [mai departe [in plus]
near - nearer - nearest [local]
near - nearer - next [insiruire]
old - older - oldest [general]
old - elder - eldest [membrii familiei]
Traducator autorizat engleza

joi, 6 octombrie 2011
Articolul hotarat are forma unica -the- pentru toate genurile, atat la singular, cat si la plural:
Exemple: the boy - the boys
the girl - the girls
the book - the books
2. Intrebuintare:
inaintea unor substantive mentionate anterior sau particularizate prin diferiti determinanti:
Exemplu: I’ll put on the new dress. [Voi imbraca rochia cea noua]
inaintea substantivelor unicat:
the earth - pamantul;
the sky - cerul;
the sea - marea;
the South Pole - Polul Sud;
inaintea unui substantiv folosit in sensul sau cel mai general:
The dog is a faithful friend.
Inaintea unor substantive proprii care denumesc:
tari, insule, peninsule, provincii, capuri: The Sudan, The Congo; The Canary Islands
intinderi de ape si denumiri aferente: The Indian Ocean; The Baltic Sea;
munti, lanturi de munti: The Himalayas;
punctele cardinale - The North; The South;
diverse evenimente istorice - The Bronze Age, The Renaissance.
institutii: teatre si cinematografe - The Capitol Cinema;
muzee si biblioteci - The Natural History Museum
vase maritime - The Transylvania
publicatii de diferite tipuri: The Guardian;
3. Articolul hotarat nu se foloseste:
inaintea numelor proprii: Mr Smith came back to England and bought a house in London.
inanitea substantivelor ce denumesc mesele zilei: We usually have breakfast at 7.
inaintea substantivului -home - to go home/ to leave home
articolul hotarat lipseste din fata unor substantive ca: school, college, hospital, church, prison, work, sea, bed: We go to school / college [to study].
- Atunci cand -home - este precedat sau urmat de elemente descriptive, acesta se comporta ca orice alt substantiv:
Exemplu: For many years this was the home of my grandfather.
- Atunci cand asemenea substantive - care desemneaza, in general, locuri - nu sunt folosite pentru destinatia lor, ci in alte scopuri, ele sunt precedate de articol hotarat:
Exemplu: She went to the church to see the paintings.
- Spre deosebire de situatiile amintite mai sus, alte substantive sunt intotdeauna precedate de articolul hotarat: the cinema; the office, the theatre:
Exemple: We are going to the theatre tonight.
My father is at the office now.
In limba engleza, articolul nehotarat are doua forme: A si AN. Ca si articolul hotarat, articolul nehotarat nu face distinctie de gen si preceda intotdeauna cuvantul pe care il determina:
2.1. Forma articolului nehotarat:
A - se foloseste inaintea cuvintelor care incep cu o consoana sau cu o semivocala:
Exemple: a boy - un baiat;
a girl - o fata;
a box - o cutie;
a university - o universitate
AN - se f oloseste inaintea cuvintelor care incep cu o vocala:
Exemple: an eye - un ochi;
an apple - un mar;
an hour - o ora;
an elephant - un elefant.
2.2 Intrebuintarea articolului nehotarat:
A. Articolul nehotarat se foloseste:
inaintea unor denumiri de profesii, meserii sau nationalitati, dupa verbele to be / to become:
Exemple: He is a teacher.
He is an Italian.
in propozitii exclamative, inaintea substantivelor numarabile la singular:
Exemple: What a woman!
Such a nice day!
inainte de -little- si -few-, cand imprima un sens pozitiv:
Exemplu: I have a little time.
B. Articolul nehotarat nu se foloseste:
cu substantivele numarabile la plural:
Exemplu: A dog is a faithful pet.
DAR: Dogs are faithful pets.
cu substantive nenumarabile denumiri de materie de tipul: glass, wood, paper, stone, iron, wine, coffee, tea:
Exemplu: This structure is made of iron.
inaintea substantivelor care denumesc mesele zilei:
Exemplu: I usually have supper at 7.
Articolul zero indica de fapt absenta unui articol [hotarat sau nehotarat] in fata unui substantiv:
3.1. Intrebuintarea articolului zero:
cu substantive nenumarabile indicand cantitatea, luate in sens general:
Exemplu: We buy sugar at the grocer’s.
cu substantive numarabile la plural, cand referinta se face la toti membrii aceleaiasi clase:
Exemplu: Cats are nice pets.
cu denumirile meselor zilei:
Exemplu: Supper is an evening meal.
cu denumirile anotimpurilor:
Exemplu: Summer is cool this year.
inaintea denumirilor de continente, tari, orase, lacuri, munti, provincii:
Exemple: Europe, Australia, Italy, France, London, Bucharest.
inaintea zilelor saptamanii:
Exemple: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.
lunilor anului, sarbatori oficiale/religioase, momente ale zilei si ale noptii:
Exemple: January, February, Independence Day; to travel by train
inaintea denumirilor limbilor:
Exemple: We study French.
Do you speak Spanish.
in unele expresii sau constructii fixe:
Exemple: by mistake, in conclusion, bag and baggage
inaintea denumirilor de culori:
Exemple: I like red but I dislike green.
Articolul hotarat are forma unica -the- pentru toate genurile, atat la singular, cat si la plural:
Exemple: the boy - the boys
the girl - the girls
the book - the books
2. Intrebuintare:
inaintea unor substantive mentionate anterior sau particularizate prin diferiti determinanti:
Exemplu: I’ll put on the new dress. [Voi imbraca rochia cea noua]
inaintea substantivelor unicat:
the earth - pamantul;
the sky - cerul;
the sea - marea;
the South Pole - Polul Sud;
inaintea unui substantiv folosit in sensul sau cel mai general:
The dog is a faithful friend.
Inaintea unor substantive proprii care denumesc:
tari, insule, peninsule, provincii, capuri: The Sudan, The Congo; The Canary Islands
intinderi de ape si denumiri aferente: The Indian Ocean; The Baltic Sea;
munti, lanturi de munti: The Himalayas;
punctele cardinale - The North; The South;
diverse evenimente istorice - The Bronze Age, The Renaissance.
institutii: teatre si cinematografe - The Capitol Cinema;
muzee si biblioteci - The Natural History Museum
vase maritime - The Transylvania
publicatii de diferite tipuri: The Guardian;
3. Articolul hotarat nu se foloseste:
inaintea numelor proprii: Mr Smith came back to England and bought a house in London.
inanitea substantivelor ce denumesc mesele zilei: We usually have breakfast at 7.
inaintea substantivului -home - to go home/ to leave home
articolul hotarat lipseste din fata unor substantive ca: school, college, hospital, church, prison, work, sea, bed: We go to school / college [to study].
- Atunci cand -home - este precedat sau urmat de elemente descriptive, acesta se comporta ca orice alt substantiv:
Exemplu: For many years this was the home of my grandfather.
- Atunci cand asemenea substantive - care desemneaza, in general, locuri - nu sunt folosite pentru destinatia lor, ci in alte scopuri, ele sunt precedate de articol hotarat:
Exemplu: She went to the church to see the paintings.
- Spre deosebire de situatiile amintite mai sus, alte substantive sunt intotdeauna precedate de articolul hotarat: the cinema; the office, the theatre:
Exemple: We are going to the theatre tonight.
My father is at the office now.
In limba engleza, articolul nehotarat are doua forme: A si AN. Ca si articolul hotarat, articolul nehotarat nu face distinctie de gen si preceda intotdeauna cuvantul pe care il determina:
2.1. Forma articolului nehotarat:
A - se foloseste inaintea cuvintelor care incep cu o consoana sau cu o semivocala:
Exemple: a boy - un baiat;
a girl - o fata;
a box - o cutie;
a university - o universitate
AN - se f oloseste inaintea cuvintelor care incep cu o vocala:
Exemple: an eye - un ochi;
an apple - un mar;
an hour - o ora;
an elephant - un elefant.
2.2 Intrebuintarea articolului nehotarat:
A. Articolul nehotarat se foloseste:
inaintea unor denumiri de profesii, meserii sau nationalitati, dupa verbele to be / to become:
Exemple: He is a teacher.
He is an Italian.
in propozitii exclamative, inaintea substantivelor numarabile la singular:
Exemple: What a woman!
Such a nice day!
inainte de -little- si -few-, cand imprima un sens pozitiv:
Exemplu: I have a little time.
B. Articolul nehotarat nu se foloseste:
cu substantivele numarabile la plural:
Exemplu: A dog is a faithful pet.
DAR: Dogs are faithful pets.
cu substantive nenumarabile denumiri de materie de tipul: glass, wood, paper, stone, iron, wine, coffee, tea:
Exemplu: This structure is made of iron.
inaintea substantivelor care denumesc mesele zilei:
Exemplu: I usually have supper at 7.
Articolul zero indica de fapt absenta unui articol [hotarat sau nehotarat] in fata unui substantiv:
3.1. Intrebuintarea articolului zero:
cu substantive nenumarabile indicand cantitatea, luate in sens general:
Exemplu: We buy sugar at the grocer’s.
cu substantive numarabile la plural, cand referinta se face la toti membrii aceleaiasi clase:
Exemplu: Cats are nice pets.
cu denumirile meselor zilei:
Exemplu: Supper is an evening meal.
cu denumirile anotimpurilor:
Exemplu: Summer is cool this year.
inaintea denumirilor de continente, tari, orase, lacuri, munti, provincii:
Exemple: Europe, Australia, Italy, France, London, Bucharest.
inaintea zilelor saptamanii:
Exemple: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.
lunilor anului, sarbatori oficiale/religioase, momente ale zilei si ale noptii:
Exemple: January, February, Independence Day; to travel by train
inaintea denumirilor limbilor:
Exemple: We study French.
Do you speak Spanish.
in unele expresii sau constructii fixe:
Exemple: by mistake, in conclusion, bag and baggage
inaintea denumirilor de culori:
Exemple: I like red but I dislike green.
miercuri, 5 octombrie 2011
1. Definitie: inlocuieste un substantiv / un grup nominal
1. Forma:
Persoana I sg: I -ME
Persoana a II-a sg.: you - you
Persoana a III-a sg: he / she / it - him/her/it
PLURAL - Persoana I: we - us
Persoana a II-a : you - you
Persoana a III-a: they - them
I/ ME: il desemneaza pe cel care vorbeste:
I can’t go home.
Help me bring the book, please.
YOU - desemneaza interlocutorul / interlocutorii:
If you come home, I’ll tell you the truth.
HE / HIM: - pentru a vorbi despre o persoana / animal de sex masculin:
Where’s Dan? He’s in the bedroom. Well, I want to talk to him.
SHE / HER: - cand se face referire la o persoana sau la un animal de sex feminin:
She’s going to school now. I want to see her.
IT - desemneaza obiecte sau animale:
I’ve got a big ball. It’s over there.
WE / US: - se utilizeaza pentru a desemna un grup de cel putin 2 sau mai multe persoane, animale sau lucruri:
We are going to town. Can you give us a lift?
THEY / THEM: - se folosesc cand se vorbeste despre 2 sau mai multe persoane, animale sau lucruri:
Are the boys here?
Yes, they are. Well, tell them to come at once.
Adjectivele: Pronumele:
my cat mine
your book yours
his car his
her pen hers
its door its
our dog ours
their house theirs
2. Intrebuintare:
- se folosesc pentru a indica apartenenta unui anumit lucru:
EX: This is not my hat. Mine is here.
Adjectivele si pronumele posesive se folosesc in legatura cu partile corpului si cu imbracamintea:
EX: Dont’t put your hands on my shoulders.
His hair is dark, but mine is fair.
OF + pronume posesiv:
EX: He’s a friend of mine.
I’ve got a few books of yours.
1. Forma:
myself - ourselves
yourself - yourselves
himself / herself / itself - themselves
2. Intrebuintare:
Pronumele reflexive se intrebuinteaza atunci cand complementul si subiectul propozitiei sunt una si aceeasi persoana:
I’m looking at myself in the mirror.
He killed himself.
This machine switches itself on and off.
Prenumele de intarire se folosesc pentru a insista asupra substantivului sau a grupului nominal:
I can do it myself.
The Queen herself visited our school 2 years ago.
1. Forma:
each other - one another
2. Intrebuintare:
- Aceste pronume exprima relatii de reciprocitate intre fiinte si lucruri.
- each other - se foloseste in cazul a doua persoane
- one another - pentru mai mult de doua persoane.
EX: We see each other at the office every day.
They don’t like one another.
- pronumele reciproce se pot folosi in cazul genitiv:
They often borrow each other’s cars.
1. Forma:
this - these
that - those
2. Intrebuintare:
this - these: se folosesc in cazul obiectelor aflate in apropierea vorbitorului.
that - those: desemneaza obiecte mai departate fata de vorbitor.
this / these si that / those - se pot utiliza ca adjective demonstrative:
Look at this box / these boxes here.
That box / those boxes over there are too big.
this / these si that / those - pot fi si pronume demonstrative:
This is a nice coat.
These are nice coats.
1. Forma:
Persoana I sg: I -ME
Persoana a II-a sg.: you - you
Persoana a III-a sg: he / she / it - him/her/it
PLURAL - Persoana I: we - us
Persoana a II-a : you - you
Persoana a III-a: they - them
I/ ME: il desemneaza pe cel care vorbeste:
I can’t go home.
Help me bring the book, please.
YOU - desemneaza interlocutorul / interlocutorii:
If you come home, I’ll tell you the truth.
HE / HIM: - pentru a vorbi despre o persoana / animal de sex masculin:
Where’s Dan? He’s in the bedroom. Well, I want to talk to him.
SHE / HER: - cand se face referire la o persoana sau la un animal de sex feminin:
She’s going to school now. I want to see her.
IT - desemneaza obiecte sau animale:
I’ve got a big ball. It’s over there.
WE / US: - se utilizeaza pentru a desemna un grup de cel putin 2 sau mai multe persoane, animale sau lucruri:
We are going to town. Can you give us a lift?
THEY / THEM: - se folosesc cand se vorbeste despre 2 sau mai multe persoane, animale sau lucruri:
Are the boys here?
Yes, they are. Well, tell them to come at once.
Adjectivele: Pronumele:
my cat mine
your book yours
his car his
her pen hers
its door its
our dog ours
their house theirs
2. Intrebuintare:
- se folosesc pentru a indica apartenenta unui anumit lucru:
EX: This is not my hat. Mine is here.
Adjectivele si pronumele posesive se folosesc in legatura cu partile corpului si cu imbracamintea:
EX: Dont’t put your hands on my shoulders.
His hair is dark, but mine is fair.
OF + pronume posesiv:
EX: He’s a friend of mine.
I’ve got a few books of yours.
1. Forma:
myself - ourselves
yourself - yourselves
himself / herself / itself - themselves
2. Intrebuintare:
Pronumele reflexive se intrebuinteaza atunci cand complementul si subiectul propozitiei sunt una si aceeasi persoana:
I’m looking at myself in the mirror.
He killed himself.
This machine switches itself on and off.
Prenumele de intarire se folosesc pentru a insista asupra substantivului sau a grupului nominal:
I can do it myself.
The Queen herself visited our school 2 years ago.
1. Forma:
each other - one another
2. Intrebuintare:
- Aceste pronume exprima relatii de reciprocitate intre fiinte si lucruri.
- each other - se foloseste in cazul a doua persoane
- one another - pentru mai mult de doua persoane.
EX: We see each other at the office every day.
They don’t like one another.
- pronumele reciproce se pot folosi in cazul genitiv:
They often borrow each other’s cars.
1. Forma:
this - these
that - those
2. Intrebuintare:
this - these: se folosesc in cazul obiectelor aflate in apropierea vorbitorului.
that - those: desemneaza obiecte mai departate fata de vorbitor.
this / these si that / those - se pot utiliza ca adjective demonstrative:
Look at this box / these boxes here.
That box / those boxes over there are too big.
this / these si that / those - pot fi si pronume demonstrative:
This is a nice coat.
These are nice coats.
joi, 15 septembrie 2011
Folosirea timpurilor in propozitiile subordonate
1. Reguli generale:
a. daca verbul propozitiei principale este la PREZENT, cel al subordonatei este tot la PREZENT.
Exemplu: Can you read what it says?
I think that Mary is here.
b. daca verbul propozitiei principale este la TRECUT, atunci si cel al subordonatei este la TRECUT:
Exemple: I couldn't read what it said.
I thought she was here.
2. Propozitiile subordonate introduse prin "that":
- in functie de ideea exprimata, raportata la PP, timpul verbului din propozitia subordonata introdusa de THAT poate varia:
Exemple: I know that Mary usually comes back at 12.
[Stiu ca Mary obisnuieste sa se intoarca la ora 12].
I know that Mary came back at 12.
[Stiu ca Mary s-a intors la ora 12.]
I know that Mary will come back at 12.
[ Stiu ca Mary se va intoarce la ora 12].
1. Verbul propozitiei principale la un timp trecut:
- timpurile folosite depind de cronologia actiunilor.
a. actiunile s-au produs in acelasi moment:
Exemplu: He left as soon as [when] we arrived.
[s. past] [s. past]
b. uma dintre actiuni s-a produs inaintea celeilalte:
Exemplu: He had already left when we arrived.
[past perfect] [s. past]
2. Verbul principalei cu sens de viitor:
a. verbul subordonatei este la prezentul simplu:
Exemplu: We'll leave as soon as you are ready.
[future] [present tense]
b. verbul subordonatei poate fi si la perfectul prezent:
Exemplu: We'll leave as soon as you have finished your work.
[future] [present perfect]
3. Verbul principalei este la conditional:
- cand verbul subordonatei este la trecutul simplu sau la mai mult ca perfect:
Exemplu: John said he would leave as soon as you were ready.
[p. tense simple]
He said he would come when he had finished his work.
[past perfect]
marți, 13 septembrie 2011
THE NOUN - in limba engleza substantivele pot fi numarabile [countable], nenumarabile [uncountable].
- substantivele numarabile pot fi precedate de A / AN [admit forma de plural]
- cele nenumarabile nu accepta A / AN [nu au forma de plural]
1. Simple:
- de regula, pluralul se formeaza prin adaugarea terminatiei "S" la forma de singular a substantivului.
- exista substantive cu plural neregulat [irregular plurals], care schimba vocala [sau vocalele] din ultima silaba:
Exemple: man - men
foot - feet
woman - women
tooth - teeth
goose - geese
mouse - mice
Unele substantive au aceeasi forma la singular si plural:
Exemple: sheep - sheep
deer - deer
aircraft - aircraft
species - species.
"Fish" face parte din aceasta grupa. Pluralul "fishes" desemneaza specii diferite de pesti. In limba engleza exista:
- substantive care au forma numai de plural:
Exemple: glasses
Forma de singular a acestora se formeaza cu ajutorul sintagmei "one pair of"...
ATENTIE: "one pair of" - se foloseste cu substantivele: gloves, shoes - pentru a exprima singularul.
2. Pluralul substantivelor compuse:
De regula - substantivele compuse formeaza pluralul prin trecerea la aceasta forma a ultimului element:
Exemple grown-up - grown-ups
toothbrush - toobrushes
Substantivele compuse dintr-un alt substantiv - adauga "s" la primul element:
Exemplu: sister -in-law - sisters-in-law.
Daca primul element al substantivelor compuse este MAN/WOMAN, pluralul se formeaza prin schimbarea ambelor elemente:
Exemplu: a woman driver - women drivers
1. Pluralele in "s" se folosesc pentru a exprima:
a. pluralul literelor alfabetului:
Exemplu: 2 c's
b. pluralul unor date:
Exemplu: in the 1990's
c. pluralul unor prescurtari:
Exemplu: SOP - SOP'S
2. Substantivele - homework, advice, knowledge, information, furniture, money - nu pot avea forma de plural in limba engleza. Cuantificarea acestor substantive se face cu ajutorul unor sintagme ca:
Exemple: an article of...
an item of.....
a piece of.....
a word of......
3. Unele substantive au forma de plural [news, economics, politics, mathematics, statistics, gymnastycs, athetlics] dar acordul se face cu un VB la singular.
- substantivele numarabile pot fi precedate de A / AN [admit forma de plural]
- cele nenumarabile nu accepta A / AN [nu au forma de plural]
1. Simple:
- de regula, pluralul se formeaza prin adaugarea terminatiei "S" la forma de singular a substantivului.
- exista substantive cu plural neregulat [irregular plurals], care schimba vocala [sau vocalele] din ultima silaba:
Exemple: man - men
foot - feet
woman - women
tooth - teeth
goose - geese
mouse - mice
Unele substantive au aceeasi forma la singular si plural:
Exemple: sheep - sheep
deer - deer
aircraft - aircraft
species - species.
"Fish" face parte din aceasta grupa. Pluralul "fishes" desemneaza specii diferite de pesti. In limba engleza exista:
- substantive care au forma numai de plural:
Exemple: glasses
Forma de singular a acestora se formeaza cu ajutorul sintagmei "one pair of"...
ATENTIE: "one pair of" - se foloseste cu substantivele: gloves, shoes - pentru a exprima singularul.
2. Pluralul substantivelor compuse:
De regula - substantivele compuse formeaza pluralul prin trecerea la aceasta forma a ultimului element:
Exemple grown-up - grown-ups
toothbrush - toobrushes
Substantivele compuse dintr-un alt substantiv - adauga "s" la primul element:
Exemplu: sister -in-law - sisters-in-law.
Daca primul element al substantivelor compuse este MAN/WOMAN, pluralul se formeaza prin schimbarea ambelor elemente:
Exemplu: a woman driver - women drivers
1. Pluralele in "s" se folosesc pentru a exprima:
a. pluralul literelor alfabetului:
Exemplu: 2 c's
b. pluralul unor date:
Exemplu: in the 1990's
c. pluralul unor prescurtari:
Exemplu: SOP - SOP'S
2. Substantivele - homework, advice, knowledge, information, furniture, money - nu pot avea forma de plural in limba engleza. Cuantificarea acestor substantive se face cu ajutorul unor sintagme ca:
Exemple: an article of...
an item of.....
a piece of.....
a word of......
3. Unele substantive au forma de plural [news, economics, politics, mathematics, statistics, gymnastycs, athetlics] dar acordul se face cu un VB la singular.
luni, 12 septembrie 2011
A. Tipuri de raspunsuri:
1. Raspunsuri la "yes / no questions":
- printr-un singur cuvant:
Exemplu: Do you know Bill Jones?
Yes / No.
- printr-un raspuns scurt, cu un verb auxiliar / modal:
Exemplu: Do you know Bill Jones?
Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
- prntr-o propozitie intreaga:
Exemplu: Do you know Bill Jones?
Yes, I know him very well.
No, I don't know him at all.
2. Raspunsuri la "wh - questions":
- printr-un singur cuvant:
Exemplu: Who will come tomorrow?
Me. / Peter.
- printr-un raspuns scurt, cu un verb auxiliar sau modal:
Exemplu: Who knows Bill Jones?
I do. / Peter does.
Who will come tomorrow?
I will. / Peter will.
- printr-o propozitie intreaga:
Exemple: Who knows Bill Jones?
Peter knows him very well.
We went to London.
1. Raspunsuri la "yes / no questions":
- printr-un singur cuvant:
Exemplu: Do you know Bill Jones?
Yes / No.
- printr-un raspuns scurt, cu un verb auxiliar / modal:
Exemplu: Do you know Bill Jones?
Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
- prntr-o propozitie intreaga:
Exemplu: Do you know Bill Jones?
Yes, I know him very well.
No, I don't know him at all.
2. Raspunsuri la "wh - questions":
- printr-un singur cuvant:
Exemplu: Who will come tomorrow?
Me. / Peter.
- printr-un raspuns scurt, cu un verb auxiliar sau modal:
Exemplu: Who knows Bill Jones?
I do. / Peter does.
Who will come tomorrow?
I will. / Peter will.
- printr-o propozitie intreaga:
Exemple: Who knows Bill Jones?
Peter knows him very well.
We went to London.
duminică, 11 septembrie 2011
Afirmativ: Pronume + WILL / SHALL + BE + VB[I] + ING
Exemplu: On Friday morning, I'll be shopping in London.
Negativ: Pronume + WILL / SHALL + BE + NOT + VB [I] + ING
Exemplu: Next year, I won't be studying Chemistry, I'll be lying on the beach.
1. O actiune foarte probabila care urmeaza sa se petreaca in viitor:
Exemplu: On Saturday morning, I'll be writing a letter.
2. O actiune in desfasurare in viitor:
Exemplu: Next month, I won't be reading the novel, I'll be flying to USA.
Afirmativ: Pronume + WILL / SHALL + BE + VB[I] + ING
Exemplu: On Friday morning, I'll be shopping in London.
Negativ: Pronume + WILL / SHALL + BE + NOT + VB [I] + ING
Exemplu: Next year, I won't be studying Chemistry, I'll be lying on the beach.
1. O actiune foarte probabila care urmeaza sa se petreaca in viitor:
Exemplu: On Saturday morning, I'll be writing a letter.
2. O actiune in desfasurare in viitor:
Exemplu: Next month, I won't be reading the novel, I'll be flying to USA.
1. Definitie: Viitorul simplu desemneaza un eveniment posterior fata de momentul vorbirii.
Afirmativ: Pronume + WILL/SHALL + VB [I]
Exemplu: Thet will arrive before tea-time.
Negativ: Pronume + SHALL / WILL + NOT + VB [I]
Exemplu: They will not arrive before tea-time.
Interogativ: SHALL/WILL + Pronume + VB[I]
Exemplu: Will they arrive before tea-time?
1. Viitorul simplu este un viitor pur, indicand doar ca actiunea are loc intr-un moment viitor, mai apropiat sau adeseori mai indepartat de momentul vorbirii.
Exemplu: He will come back tomorrow.
2. Viitorul simplu nu este de obicei intrebuintat in propozitii subordonate, fiind inlocuit de prezentul simplu:
Exemplu: He will come when he has time.
3. Viitorul simplu poate fi folosit si cu valori modale la persoanele I singular / plural, pentru a exprima:
a. o intentie nepremeditata, spontana, aparuta in momentul vorbirii:
Exemplu: It is not here. I'll open the window.
b. accentuat, aratand hotararea, determinarea de a savarsi actiunea:
Exemplu: Do not sell that dictionary. It is very good. I will sell it , no matter what you are saying.
4. Will +infinitiv - poate fi folosit si cu valoare de prezent habitual:
Exemplu: Children will be children.
5. La forma negativa, la persoana I si a IIIa singular si plural "won't + infinitiv" exprima:
a. refuzul:
Exemplu: I won't go there.
b. refuzul absolut: [accentuat]
Exemplu: I won't go there.
6. Will + infinitiv este folosit, la forma interogativa pentru a exprima:
a. o intrebare despre o actiune viitoare:
Exemplu: Will they open the exhibition tomorrow?
b. o invitatie:
Exemplu: Will you come in, please?
c. o rugaminte:
Exemplu: Will you help me?
7. La interogativ, SHALL + infinitiv exprima:
a. viitorul simplu:
Exemplu: Shall I find them at home if I go now?
a. refuzul:
Exemplu: I won't go there.
b. refuzul absolut: [accentuat]
Exemplu: I won't go there.
6. Will + infinitiv este folosit, la forma interogativa pentru a exprima:
a. o intrebare despre o actiune viitoare:
Exemplu: Will they open the exhibition tomorrow?
b. o invitatie:
Exemplu: Will you come in, please?
c. o rugaminte:
Exemplu: Will you help me?
7. La interogativ, SHALL + infinitiv exprima:
a. viitorul simplu:
Exemplu: Shall I find them at home if I go now?
1. Definitie: Mai mult ca perfectul continuu pune accent pe durata unei actiuni prelungite, in desfasurare, in trecut.
Afirmativ: Pronume + HAD + BEEN + VB [I] + ING
Exemplu: I had been waiting for hours.
Negativ: Pronume + HAD + NOT + BEEN + VB [I] + ING
Exemplu: We had not been waiting for hours.
Interogativ: HAD + Pronume + BEEN + VB [I] + ING
Exemplu: Had he been waiting for hours?
1. O actiune trecuta, inceputa inaintea altei actiuni trecute si continuand pana la ea.
Exemplu: I had been waiting for my friend since 2 o'clock / for half an hour when he finally arrived.
2. O actiune trecuta inceputa inaintea unui moment sau a unei actiuni trecute, continuand pana in acel moment sau pana la acea actiune si poate si dupa aceea.
Exemplu: They had been playing football all morning / since 2 o'clock.
3. O actiune repetata frecvent intr-o perioada de timp trecuta, anterioara unui moment sau unei actiuni de asemenea trecute.
Exemplu: He had been writing poems for 2 years when I met him.
4. O actiune anterioara unei alte actiuni, de asemenea trecuta, terminata cu putin inaintea ei si fiind cauza acesteia.
Exemplu: He was carrying a hammer and nails because he had been mendind the fence.
1. Definitie: Mai mult ca perfectul continuu pune accent pe durata unei actiuni prelungite, in desfasurare, in trecut.
Afirmativ: Pronume + HAD + BEEN + VB [I] + ING
Exemplu: I had been waiting for hours.
Negativ: Pronume + HAD + NOT + BEEN + VB [I] + ING
Exemplu: We had not been waiting for hours.
Interogativ: HAD + Pronume + BEEN + VB [I] + ING
Exemplu: Had he been waiting for hours?
1. O actiune trecuta, inceputa inaintea altei actiuni trecute si continuand pana la ea.
Exemplu: I had been waiting for my friend since 2 o'clock / for half an hour when he finally arrived.
2. O actiune trecuta inceputa inaintea unui moment sau a unei actiuni trecute, continuand pana in acel moment sau pana la acea actiune si poate si dupa aceea.
Exemplu: They had been playing football all morning / since 2 o'clock.
3. O actiune repetata frecvent intr-o perioada de timp trecuta, anterioara unui moment sau unei actiuni de asemenea trecute.
Exemplu: He had been writing poems for 2 years when I met him.
4. O actiune anterioara unei alte actiuni, de asemenea trecuta, terminata cu putin inaintea ei si fiind cauza acesteia.
Exemplu: He was carrying a hammer and nails because he had been mendind the fence.
sâmbătă, 10 septembrie 2011
1. Definitie: Past perfect este un timp folosit cand vorbitorul se plaseaza psihologic pe o axa a trecutului pentru a desemna un eveniment anterior unui moment sau unui eveniment trecut, care este amintit in momentul vorbirii.
Afirmativ: Pronume + HAD + VB [III]
Exemplu: I had finished the book before you came.
Negativ: Pronume + HAD + NOT + VB [III]
Exemplu: I had not finished the book before you came.
Interogativ: HAD + Pronume + vb [III]
Exemplu: Had Bill seen the house before?
ADVERBE: since, for, by, hardly, no sooner.
1. O actiune trecuta, incheiata inaintea unui moment trecut.
Exemplu: I had finished my lessons by 10 o'clock yesterday.
2. O actiune trecuta, incheiata inaintea altei actiuni trecute.
Exemplu: When Doris got to the theatre, the show had already started.
Mother had cooked the dinner by the time father arrived home.
3. O actiune trecuta, incheiata imediat inaintea unei alte actiuni trecute.
Exemplu: No sooner had I got into the classroom than the bell rang.
4. O actiune trecuta, savarsita intr-o perioada de timp anterioara unei alte actiuni trecute, dar ajungand pana la aceasta. [for / since]
Exemplu: He had been in the classroom for 20 minutes when the teacher came in.
1. Definitie: Past perfect este un timp folosit cand vorbitorul se plaseaza psihologic pe o axa a trecutului pentru a desemna un eveniment anterior unui moment sau unui eveniment trecut, care este amintit in momentul vorbirii.
Afirmativ: Pronume + HAD + VB [III]
Exemplu: I had finished the book before you came.
Negativ: Pronume + HAD + NOT + VB [III]
Exemplu: I had not finished the book before you came.
Interogativ: HAD + Pronume + vb [III]
Exemplu: Had Bill seen the house before?
ADVERBE: since, for, by, hardly, no sooner.
1. O actiune trecuta, incheiata inaintea unui moment trecut.
Exemplu: I had finished my lessons by 10 o'clock yesterday.
2. O actiune trecuta, incheiata inaintea altei actiuni trecute.
Exemplu: When Doris got to the theatre, the show had already started.
Mother had cooked the dinner by the time father arrived home.
3. O actiune trecuta, incheiata imediat inaintea unei alte actiuni trecute.
Exemplu: No sooner had I got into the classroom than the bell rang.
4. O actiune trecuta, savarsita intr-o perioada de timp anterioara unei alte actiuni trecute, dar ajungand pana la aceasta. [for / since]
Exemplu: He had been in the classroom for 20 minutes when the teacher came in.
1. Definitie: Perfectul prezent continuu permite exprimarea unei actiuni incepute intr-un moment trecut si care a durat o anumita perioada de timp sau care continua in prezent, de exemplu in momentul vorbirii.
Afirmativ: Pronume + HAVE / HAS + BEEN + VB [I] + ING
Exemplu: Bob has been watching TV all day.
Negativ: Pronume + HAVE / HAS + NOT + BEEN + VB [I] + ING
Exemplu: Bob has not been watching TV all day.
Interogativ: HAVE / HAS + Pronume + BEEN + BEEN + VB[I] + ING
Exemplu: Has Bob been watching TV all day?
ADVERBE: since, for, all day, all afternoon, all evening
1. O actiune inceputa intr-un moment trecut, care continua in prezent si poate si in viitor:
Exemplu: They have been playing tennis for half an hour.
2. O actiune repetata frecvent, intr-o perioada de timp care se intinde din trecut pana in prezent:
Exemplu: I have been riding a bicycle for three years.
In acesta situatie se foloseste Present Perfect simple [nu continuu] daca se specifica de cate ori a fost savarsita actiunea repetata:
Exemplu: I have ridden my bicycle hundreds of time.
He has written fifty poems.
Intrebuintarile 1 si 2 ale lui Present Perfect sunt marcate de compliniri adverbiale indicand:
a. lungimea perioadei de timp: for ages, for a few minutes, for three hours.
b. inceputul perioadei de timp: since December, since last year, since Monday.
3. O actiune trecuta, incheiata recent, care este cauza unui efect simtit in prezent:
Exemple: Why are your hands so dirty?
I have been repairing my bike. [Mi-am reparat bicicleta].
1. Definitie: Perfectul prezent continuu permite exprimarea unei actiuni incepute intr-un moment trecut si care a durat o anumita perioada de timp sau care continua in prezent, de exemplu in momentul vorbirii.
Afirmativ: Pronume + HAVE / HAS + BEEN + VB [I] + ING
Exemplu: Bob has been watching TV all day.
Negativ: Pronume + HAVE / HAS + NOT + BEEN + VB [I] + ING
Exemplu: Bob has not been watching TV all day.
Interogativ: HAVE / HAS + Pronume + BEEN + BEEN + VB[I] + ING
Exemplu: Has Bob been watching TV all day?
ADVERBE: since, for, all day, all afternoon, all evening
1. O actiune inceputa intr-un moment trecut, care continua in prezent si poate si in viitor:
Exemplu: They have been playing tennis for half an hour.
2. O actiune repetata frecvent, intr-o perioada de timp care se intinde din trecut pana in prezent:
Exemplu: I have been riding a bicycle for three years.
In acesta situatie se foloseste Present Perfect simple [nu continuu] daca se specifica de cate ori a fost savarsita actiunea repetata:
Exemplu: I have ridden my bicycle hundreds of time.
He has written fifty poems.
Intrebuintarile 1 si 2 ale lui Present Perfect sunt marcate de compliniri adverbiale indicand:
a. lungimea perioadei de timp: for ages, for a few minutes, for three hours.
b. inceputul perioadei de timp: since December, since last year, since Monday.
3. O actiune trecuta, incheiata recent, care este cauza unui efect simtit in prezent:
Exemple: Why are your hands so dirty?
I have been repairing my bike. [Mi-am reparat bicicleta].
1. Definitie: Perfectul prezent stabileste o legatura intre o actiune trecuta si prezent. [o actiune neterminata].
Afirmativ: Pronume + HAVE/HAS + VB [III]
Exemplu: She has just done her homework.
Negativ: Pronume + HAVE/HAS + NOT + VB [III]
Exemplu: I haven't written the letter yet.
Interogativ: HAVE / HAS + Pronume + VB [III]
Exemplu: Has she gone to market yet?
ADVERBE: just, yet, already, never, seldom, rarely, sometimes, for/since
1. Present Perfect este folosit, la fel ca si Past Tense, pentru a desemna un eveniment anterior momentului vorbirii. Deosebirea intre cele doua timpuri este in axa pe care se plaseaza vorbitorul: axa prezentului [Present Perfect] sau axa trecutului [Past Tense]:
Exemple: a. I have seen Mary.
b. I saw her at the conference.
2. Folosirea lui Present Perfect este asociata cu adverbe care exprima o perioada de timp deschisa, neterminata: today, this week, this month.
Exemplu: I have been to the theatre this week.
- in timp ce folosirea lui Past Tense este asociata cu adverbe care exprima o perioada de timp inchisa, terminata:
Exemplu: I went to the theatre last week.
3. Present Perfect este uneori folosit cu valoare de Past Tense, pentru a exprima o actiune savarsita in trecut si terminata recent sau chiar inaintea momentului vorbirii:
Exemplu: He has come.
Aceasta intrebuintare a lui Present Perfect este adeseori marcata de adverbe de timp ca: just, already, up to now, so far, lately, recently.
Exemplu: He has just phoned.
ATENTIE! Cu adverbe ca: today, this morning, this month, this year - se poate folosi fie Past Tense, fie Present Perfect in functie de:
a. caracterul actiunii [definit / nedefinit]
b. al perioadei de timp [incheiata / neincheiata]
Exemple: a. Did you hear Ion Voicu play recently?
Have you heard Ion Voicu play recently? [not a long time ago]
b. Did you see him this morning? [now it is 5 o'clock p.m.
Have you seen him this morning? [now it is 11 a.m.]
4. Past Tense este folosit pentru evenimente care au avut loc in trecut si ai caror autori nu mai exista in prezent, pe cand la Present Perfect, evenimentele au avut loc in trecut, dar autorii sau efectele evenimentelor mai exista si in prezent:
Exemple: Marin Preda wrote several novels and short stories. [he is dead]
Eugen Barbu has written several novels and short stories. [he is alive]
Did you see the exhibition? [it is closed now]
Have you seen the exhibition? [it is still open]
5. Present Perfect este folosit si pentru a exprima o actiune inceputa in trecut si care continua si in momentul vorbirii. Complinirile adverbiale de timp caracteristice pentru aceasta intrebuintare sunt cele indicand:
a. lungimea perioadei de timp: for a long time, for ten minutes, for 2 days:
Exemplu: He has been here for half an hour.
b. inceputul perioadei de timp: since yesterday, since december, since you came:
Exemplu: He has studied English since the begining of the school year.
Perioada de timp redata printr-o propozitie temporala introdusa de SINCE poate fi exprimata:
a. printr-un verb la Past Tense, cand se specifica momentul initial al perioadei:
Exemplu: I have lived in Bucharest since I was born.
b. printr-un verb la Presnt perfect, cand cele doua actiuni sunt paralele:
Exemplu: It has not stopped raining since I have been in this town.
ATENTIE! Determinarea for...since.... este obligatorie pentru aceasta intrebuintare a perfectului prezent. Folosirea lui Present Perfect Simple fara determinare temporala cu for / since...se refera la o actiune incheiata si nu la una care continua la momentul vorbirii:
Exemplu: He has lived in Bucharest. [he is not living there now]
He has studied English [he is not studying it now]
NOTA: Diferenta intre cele doua intrebuintari reiese si din modul in care se traduc in limba romana:
- actiunea care continua si in momentul vorbirii - prin prezent.
- actiunea incheiata, petrecuta in trecut intr-un moment de timp nedefinit, deci nespecificat - prin perfectul compus.
Exemple: He has stayed in this hotel [ A stat in acest hotel]
He has stayed in this hotel for a week. [Sta in acest hotel de o saptamana]
6. Present Perfect poate exprima o actiune caracteristica, repetata in trecut, prezent si poate si in viitor:
Exemplu: He has performed in public.
Aceasta intrebuintare este marcata de adverbe de frecventa ca: often, always, never, sometimes:
Exemplu: He has often performed in public.
1. Definitie: Perfectul prezent stabileste o legatura intre o actiune trecuta si prezent. [o actiune neterminata].
Afirmativ: Pronume + HAVE/HAS + VB [III]
Exemplu: She has just done her homework.
Negativ: Pronume + HAVE/HAS + NOT + VB [III]
Exemplu: I haven't written the letter yet.
Interogativ: HAVE / HAS + Pronume + VB [III]
Exemplu: Has she gone to market yet?
ADVERBE: just, yet, already, never, seldom, rarely, sometimes, for/since
1. Present Perfect este folosit, la fel ca si Past Tense, pentru a desemna un eveniment anterior momentului vorbirii. Deosebirea intre cele doua timpuri este in axa pe care se plaseaza vorbitorul: axa prezentului [Present Perfect] sau axa trecutului [Past Tense]:
Exemple: a. I have seen Mary.
b. I saw her at the conference.
2. Folosirea lui Present Perfect este asociata cu adverbe care exprima o perioada de timp deschisa, neterminata: today, this week, this month.
Exemplu: I have been to the theatre this week.
- in timp ce folosirea lui Past Tense este asociata cu adverbe care exprima o perioada de timp inchisa, terminata:
Exemplu: I went to the theatre last week.
3. Present Perfect este uneori folosit cu valoare de Past Tense, pentru a exprima o actiune savarsita in trecut si terminata recent sau chiar inaintea momentului vorbirii:
Exemplu: He has come.
Aceasta intrebuintare a lui Present Perfect este adeseori marcata de adverbe de timp ca: just, already, up to now, so far, lately, recently.
Exemplu: He has just phoned.
ATENTIE! Cu adverbe ca: today, this morning, this month, this year - se poate folosi fie Past Tense, fie Present Perfect in functie de:
a. caracterul actiunii [definit / nedefinit]
b. al perioadei de timp [incheiata / neincheiata]
Exemple: a. Did you hear Ion Voicu play recently?
Have you heard Ion Voicu play recently? [not a long time ago]
b. Did you see him this morning? [now it is 5 o'clock p.m.
Have you seen him this morning? [now it is 11 a.m.]
4. Past Tense este folosit pentru evenimente care au avut loc in trecut si ai caror autori nu mai exista in prezent, pe cand la Present Perfect, evenimentele au avut loc in trecut, dar autorii sau efectele evenimentelor mai exista si in prezent:
Exemple: Marin Preda wrote several novels and short stories. [he is dead]
Eugen Barbu has written several novels and short stories. [he is alive]
Did you see the exhibition? [it is closed now]
Have you seen the exhibition? [it is still open]
5. Present Perfect este folosit si pentru a exprima o actiune inceputa in trecut si care continua si in momentul vorbirii. Complinirile adverbiale de timp caracteristice pentru aceasta intrebuintare sunt cele indicand:
a. lungimea perioadei de timp: for a long time, for ten minutes, for 2 days:
Exemplu: He has been here for half an hour.
b. inceputul perioadei de timp: since yesterday, since december, since you came:
Exemplu: He has studied English since the begining of the school year.
Perioada de timp redata printr-o propozitie temporala introdusa de SINCE poate fi exprimata:
a. printr-un verb la Past Tense, cand se specifica momentul initial al perioadei:
Exemplu: I have lived in Bucharest since I was born.
b. printr-un verb la Presnt perfect, cand cele doua actiuni sunt paralele:
Exemplu: It has not stopped raining since I have been in this town.
ATENTIE! Determinarea for...since.... este obligatorie pentru aceasta intrebuintare a perfectului prezent. Folosirea lui Present Perfect Simple fara determinare temporala cu for / since...se refera la o actiune incheiata si nu la una care continua la momentul vorbirii:
Exemplu: He has lived in Bucharest. [he is not living there now]
He has studied English [he is not studying it now]
NOTA: Diferenta intre cele doua intrebuintari reiese si din modul in care se traduc in limba romana:
- actiunea care continua si in momentul vorbirii - prin prezent.
- actiunea incheiata, petrecuta in trecut intr-un moment de timp nedefinit, deci nespecificat - prin perfectul compus.
Exemple: He has stayed in this hotel [ A stat in acest hotel]
He has stayed in this hotel for a week. [Sta in acest hotel de o saptamana]
6. Present Perfect poate exprima o actiune caracteristica, repetata in trecut, prezent si poate si in viitor:
Exemplu: He has performed in public.
Aceasta intrebuintare este marcata de adverbe de frecventa ca: often, always, never, sometimes:
Exemplu: He has often performed in public.
vineri, 9 septembrie 2011
1. Definitie: Trecutul continuu se foloseste pentru a exprima ceea ce s-a petrecut la un moment din trecut sau intr-un interval de timp din trecut.
Afirmativ: Pronume + was / were + VB [I] + ING
Exemplu: You were listening to me this time yesterday.
Negativ: Pronume + was / were + NOT + VB [I] + ING
Exemplu: You were not listening to me.
Interogativ: was / were + Pronume + VB [I] + ING
Exemplu: Was she singing this time yesterday?
Adverbe specifice: for, since, this time yesterday / last week/ month/ year/ while
1. O actiune in desfasurare intr-un moment trecut, amintita in momentul vorbirii:
Exemplu: I was walking at 2 o'clock this time yesterday.
2. O actiune in desfasurare intrerupta de o actiune momentana:
Exemplu: He came in when / while I was eating.
3. Doua actiuni paralele in desfasurare in trecut:
Exemplu: She was eating while I was watching.
4. Cu verbe de activitate durativa care implica atingerea unui scop, o actiune trecuta dar neincheiata:
Exemplu: He was reading a book this time last night.
5. O actiune repetata in trecut, iritanta pentru ceilalti. + adverbele specifice - always, forever, continually, all the time:
Exemplu: He was always coming late to the English lesson.
6. Cu verbe care exprima o stare, o actiune trecuta cu caracter temporar:
Exemplu: He was living in Brasov when I met him.
7. Past tense aspectul continuu mai poate exprima si o actiune viitoare, planificata intr-un moment trecut, fiind subanteleasa neindeplinirea ei:
Exemplu: We were leaving the next day.
1. Definitie: Trecutul continuu se foloseste pentru a exprima ceea ce s-a petrecut la un moment din trecut sau intr-un interval de timp din trecut.
Afirmativ: Pronume + was / were + VB [I] + ING
Exemplu: You were listening to me this time yesterday.
Negativ: Pronume + was / were + NOT + VB [I] + ING
Exemplu: You were not listening to me.
Interogativ: was / were + Pronume + VB [I] + ING
Exemplu: Was she singing this time yesterday?
Adverbe specifice: for, since, this time yesterday / last week/ month/ year/ while
1. O actiune in desfasurare intr-un moment trecut, amintita in momentul vorbirii:
Exemplu: I was walking at 2 o'clock this time yesterday.
2. O actiune in desfasurare intrerupta de o actiune momentana:
Exemplu: He came in when / while I was eating.
3. Doua actiuni paralele in desfasurare in trecut:
Exemplu: She was eating while I was watching.
4. Cu verbe de activitate durativa care implica atingerea unui scop, o actiune trecuta dar neincheiata:
Exemplu: He was reading a book this time last night.
5. O actiune repetata in trecut, iritanta pentru ceilalti. + adverbele specifice - always, forever, continually, all the time:
Exemplu: He was always coming late to the English lesson.
6. Cu verbe care exprima o stare, o actiune trecuta cu caracter temporar:
Exemplu: He was living in Brasov when I met him.
7. Past tense aspectul continuu mai poate exprima si o actiune viitoare, planificata intr-un moment trecut, fiind subanteleasa neindeplinirea ei:
Exemplu: We were leaving the next day.
1. Definitie: Trecutul simplu se foloseste pentru a reda intamplari, pentru a exprima actiuni care au avut loc in trecut si care sunt complet incheiate.
Acestui timp ii corespund 3 timpuri romanesti:
- perfectul compus,
- perfectul simplu
- impefectul.
Afirmativ : Pronume + VB [II] sau ED.
Exemplu : He played football yesterday.
Negativ: Pronume + DID + NOT + VB [I]
Exemplu: She didn’t go shopping yesterday.
Interogativ: DID + Pronume + VB [I]
Exemplu: Did he go to school yesterday?
1. Actiuni desfasurate in trecut si complet incheiate:
Exemple: Did they enjoy themselves? Yes, they did.
2. In general se poate spune ca trecutul simplu se foloseste cu referire la un anumit moment din trecut.
Exemple: When did you see him?
I saw him yesterday.
3. Pentru a exprima actiuni repetate, obisnuite in trecut. In acest caz, timpul trecutul simplu se traduce prin imperfectul din limba romana.
Exemplu: I never wore jeans when I was young.
1. Definitie: Trecutul simplu se foloseste pentru a reda intamplari, pentru a exprima actiuni care au avut loc in trecut si care sunt complet incheiate.
Acestui timp ii corespund 3 timpuri romanesti:
- perfectul compus,
- perfectul simplu
- impefectul.
Afirmativ : Pronume + VB [II] sau ED.
Exemplu : He played football yesterday.
Negativ: Pronume + DID + NOT + VB [I]
Exemplu: She didn’t go shopping yesterday.
Interogativ: DID + Pronume + VB [I]
Exemplu: Did he go to school yesterday?
1. Actiuni desfasurate in trecut si complet incheiate:
Exemple: Did they enjoy themselves? Yes, they did.
2. In general se poate spune ca trecutul simplu se foloseste cu referire la un anumit moment din trecut.
Exemple: When did you see him?
I saw him yesterday.
3. Pentru a exprima actiuni repetate, obisnuite in trecut. In acest caz, timpul trecutul simplu se traduce prin imperfectul din limba romana.
Exemplu: I never wore jeans when I was young.
Lectii de engleza - nivel mediu
1. Definitie: Prezentul simplu se foloseste pentru a exprima actiuni care se repeta frecvent.
Afirmativ: Pronume + VB [I] sau + S [III-a sg.]
Exemplu: You read a lot. He reads a lot.
Negativ: Pronume + DO sau DOES + NOT + VB [I].
Exemplu: He doesn’t go to school every day.Interogativ: DO sau DOES + Pronume + VB [I].
Exemplu: Does he read a lot?Adverbe: every day / week / month / morning / year / evening / usually.
1. Actiuni care se repeta frecvent:
Exemple: I take the bus every day.
We don't work on Saturdays.
2. Actiuni care se petrec in mod obisnuit in timpul unei perioade mai mari de timp:
Exemple: John drinks tea.
We study English at school.
3. Adevaruri generale [stiintifice]:
Exemple: Water boils at 100 C.
The Earth turns round the Sun.
4. Actiuni aflate in desfasurare rapida la momentul vorbirii. [reportaje sportive]:
Exemplu: Mike looses the ball. Evans gets it and gives it to Blake who goes past two men...
5. Redarea unei povestiri, descrierea actiunii unui film:
Exemplu: After 20 years of happy marriage, Tom faces new and unpredictable problems as his wife Mary goes back to work...
6. Exprimarea viitorului, mai ales cand se vorbeste despre programe, planuri sau despre orare privind circulatia autobuzelor, a trenurilor:
Exemplu: What time does your train leave? It leaves at 10.30 a.m. on Thursday and we arrive in London at 13.15.
1. Definitie: Prezentul simplu se foloseste pentru a exprima actiuni care se repeta frecvent.
Afirmativ: Pronume + VB [I] sau + S [III-a sg.]
Exemplu: You read a lot. He reads a lot.
Negativ: Pronume + DO sau DOES + NOT + VB [I].
Exemplu: He doesn’t go to school every day.Interogativ: DO sau DOES + Pronume + VB [I].
Exemplu: Does he read a lot?Adverbe: every day / week / month / morning / year / evening / usually.
1. Actiuni care se repeta frecvent:
Exemple: I take the bus every day.
We don't work on Saturdays.
2. Actiuni care se petrec in mod obisnuit in timpul unei perioade mai mari de timp:
Exemple: John drinks tea.
We study English at school.
3. Adevaruri generale [stiintifice]:
Exemple: Water boils at 100 C.
The Earth turns round the Sun.
4. Actiuni aflate in desfasurare rapida la momentul vorbirii. [reportaje sportive]:
Exemplu: Mike looses the ball. Evans gets it and gives it to Blake who goes past two men...
5. Redarea unei povestiri, descrierea actiunii unui film:
Exemplu: After 20 years of happy marriage, Tom faces new and unpredictable problems as his wife Mary goes back to work...
6. Exprimarea viitorului, mai ales cand se vorbeste despre programe, planuri sau despre orare privind circulatia autobuzelor, a trenurilor:
Exemplu: What time does your train leave? It leaves at 10.30 a.m. on Thursday and we arrive in London at 13.15.
Lectii de engleza - nivel mediu
1. Verbe de perceptie: to feel, to hear, to notice, to see, to smell, to taste...etc
Exemplu: Do you see the birds now?
The soup tastes delicious.
Observatie: Pentru a se accentua ideea de aspect continuu se foloseste verbul modal CAN. Verbele to smell, to taste si to feel pot fi folosite la aspectul continuu cand ele implica o actiune voluntara a subiectului:
Exemplu: The cat is smelling the bush now.
Mother is tasting the soup to see if it is warm enough for the baby.
2. Verbe care exprima activitati mentale: to agree, to believe, to find, to forget, to imagine, to know, to mind, to remember, to recognize, to suppose, to think, to understand..
Exemplu: She knows what you mean.
Does she think that he will be able to come?
3. Verbe care exprima o dorinta: to desire, to intend, to want, to wish
Exemplu: I want that book now.
4. Verbe care exprima atitudini, sentimente, stari emotionale: to detest, to dislike, to like, to love, to hate, to please, to prefer.
Exemplu: I think she loves you very much.
5. Verbe care exprima posesia: to belong to, to have, to hold, to keep, to possess.
Exemplu: How many friends have you got here?
Observatie: Verbul -to have- poate fi folosit la aspectul continuu in constructiile:
Exemple: Jane is having breakfast.
We are having a bath now.
6. Verbe care exprima o stare, o conditie: to appear, to be, to consist of, to contain, to exist, to seem.
Observatie: TO BE - poate fi folosit la aspectul continuu, numai in cazurile:
Exemple: A new block of flats is being built near our house!
I'm not being sentimental, whatever you may think.
1. Verbe de perceptie: to feel, to hear, to notice, to see, to smell, to taste...etc
Exemplu: Do you see the birds now?
The soup tastes delicious.
Observatie: Pentru a se accentua ideea de aspect continuu se foloseste verbul modal CAN. Verbele to smell, to taste si to feel pot fi folosite la aspectul continuu cand ele implica o actiune voluntara a subiectului:
Exemplu: The cat is smelling the bush now.
Mother is tasting the soup to see if it is warm enough for the baby.
2. Verbe care exprima activitati mentale: to agree, to believe, to find, to forget, to imagine, to know, to mind, to remember, to recognize, to suppose, to think, to understand..
Exemplu: She knows what you mean.
Does she think that he will be able to come?
3. Verbe care exprima o dorinta: to desire, to intend, to want, to wish
Exemplu: I want that book now.
4. Verbe care exprima atitudini, sentimente, stari emotionale: to detest, to dislike, to like, to love, to hate, to please, to prefer.
Exemplu: I think she loves you very much.
5. Verbe care exprima posesia: to belong to, to have, to hold, to keep, to possess.
Exemplu: How many friends have you got here?
Observatie: Verbul -to have- poate fi folosit la aspectul continuu in constructiile:
Exemple: Jane is having breakfast.
We are having a bath now.
6. Verbe care exprima o stare, o conditie: to appear, to be, to consist of, to contain, to exist, to seem.
Observatie: TO BE - poate fi folosit la aspectul continuu, numai in cazurile:
Exemple: A new block of flats is being built near our house!
I'm not being sentimental, whatever you may think.
Lectii de engleza on-line: nivel mediu
1. Definitie: Prezentul continuu se foloseste in principal pentru a exprima actiuni aflate in desfasurare in momentul vorbirii.
Afirmativ: Pronume + TO BE + VB [I] + ING
Exemplu: I am working now.
Negativ: Pronume + TO BE + NOT + VB [I] + ING
Exemplu: He is not working now.
Interogativ: TO BE + Pronume + VB [I] + ING
Exemplu: Are they working now?
1. Actiuni in desfasurare in momentul vorbirii. Adverbe specifice sunt: now, at the moment...etc
Exemplu: What is John doing?
He is reading a book now.
2. Actiuni care au loc in timpul unei perioade de timp limitate, insa nu neaparat in momentul vorbirii. Complinirile adverbiale pentru aceasta intrebuintare a prezentului continuu sunt: today, this week, these days, this month, this year...etc
Exemplu: Mary is studying German this year.
My father usually teaches Geometry, but he is studying Algebra this year.
3. Actiuni planificate pentru viitor.
Exemplu: What are you doing next week?
4. O actiune obisnuita, repetata, prezentata in desfasurare in anumite circumstante:
Exemplu: I always take my umbrella when it is raining.
5. O actiune care nu a fost terminata la momentul vorbirii sau o actiune repetata in mod frecvent, care deranjeaza sau irita pe vorbitor.
Exemplu: He is knocking on the door.
My neighbour is always starting his car when I want to have a rest.
Aceasta folosire a prezentului continuu este obligatoriu insotita de adverbe de frecventa ca: always, forever, continually, all the time.
1. Definitie: Prezentul continuu se foloseste in principal pentru a exprima actiuni aflate in desfasurare in momentul vorbirii.
Afirmativ: Pronume + TO BE + VB [I] + ING
Exemplu: I am working now.
Negativ: Pronume + TO BE + NOT + VB [I] + ING
Exemplu: He is not working now.
Interogativ: TO BE + Pronume + VB [I] + ING
Exemplu: Are they working now?
1. Actiuni in desfasurare in momentul vorbirii. Adverbe specifice sunt: now, at the moment...etc
Exemplu: What is John doing?
He is reading a book now.
2. Actiuni care au loc in timpul unei perioade de timp limitate, insa nu neaparat in momentul vorbirii. Complinirile adverbiale pentru aceasta intrebuintare a prezentului continuu sunt: today, this week, these days, this month, this year...etc
Exemplu: Mary is studying German this year.
My father usually teaches Geometry, but he is studying Algebra this year.
3. Actiuni planificate pentru viitor.
Exemplu: What are you doing next week?
4. O actiune obisnuita, repetata, prezentata in desfasurare in anumite circumstante:
Exemplu: I always take my umbrella when it is raining.
5. O actiune care nu a fost terminata la momentul vorbirii sau o actiune repetata in mod frecvent, care deranjeaza sau irita pe vorbitor.
Exemplu: He is knocking on the door.
My neighbour is always starting his car when I want to have a rest.
Aceasta folosire a prezentului continuu este obligatoriu insotita de adverbe de frecventa ca: always, forever, continually, all the time.
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